Regarding the memorandum of demands on the inclusion of THPs in the NHI, submitted on the 27 August.

Going through these regulations we have picked up that it list certain interest groups which must be directly represented on the task team by somebody directly "from" those interest groups. These groups include for example nurses, organized labor, medical schemes and the "community". We wonder who in the community will represent all of us and the criteria to be used thereof in selecting such an individual? THO wonders, what will happen with other interest groups such as us the Traditional Health Practitioners? Also  interesting,  area is that the entire western medicine fraternity would have to be represented by only a person "with knowledge and understanding", not an actual  professional, what if this person does not carry much interest in the profession?

What is the real intention of the ministry with this NHI and the committee who was involved in this work? Just after we were learning to understand what the actual purpose of the NHI should be, today we are even more confused about its existence, considering that it has serious divisive elements.

As the THO we feel that the terrible treatment we continue to receive from such a government , is way too harsher than even the apartheid times. What are some of the gains that healers were promised during election campaigns, do we deceive such a "thank you" from a government that we fought so hard to defend. Where is "working together to do more"?

What do you advise we do as healers?

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